Dual Sport Ride In Southern NH

There are unlimited possibilities for dual sport and adventure riders in Southern New Hampshire if you know where to look. I have explored the Route 119 area hundreds of times over the years and thought I would share a couple of rides I always enjoy.
As a former dedicated off road rider, I know that there is a huge temptation to ride illegally. While I now avoid it as much as possible, I may point out trails that are questionable to ride. Do so at your own risk as I do not encourage it. I merely bring them to your attention.
Cathedral of the Pines
You cannot go wrong when you start your day with a stop at the Cathedral of the Pines. There are trails you can walk on as well as some really beautiful views. No dual sporting, but a very relaxing spot. As a bonus, there is a Dunkin Donuts at the turnoff from 119.
Your Dual Sport Ride Begins.
Ok, break time is over. Take a left out of the parking lot and follow the road for a couple of miles to the stop. Take a right and head towards New Ipswich. After Rt 123 comes in on your left, you will go under some power lines. Rumor has it there is some great riding along these power lines as well as myriad trails branching off. However, this would be illegal riding.
Shortly after the power lines, look for Old Rindge Rd on your left. As soon as you pull off the main road, you will see a small parking area. Here you can again take a hike on the Wapac Trail, although today is a riding day so no thanks. Stay on Old Rindge as it gains altitude and you start to get some great views.
The road seems to go straight into a field. At that point, take a sharp left and it will bring you to what the map calls

Leel Road. Once you get there, you will see why there is no sign. This is what you could call an unimproved road. May not be for the 500 plus pound adventure bikes, but go for it if you choose. It is a lot of fun and you won’t meet a car coming the other way.
If you make it to the end you will be back on Rt 124. Stay on 124 and go through downtown New Ipswich then continue straight for a few miles. You will pass the high school and a mile or so later you will see the Nussdorfer Nature Area on your right.
Dual Sport Ride Continued
After you take the right, you will be going up ward past some houses on the right and the trailhead on your left. After a very short distance, you will be out of civilization and on your own. Maybe on your own. There is a turnout on your left with a very secure gate and menacing signs about Government property. There probably is no surveillance…
I would suggest continuing straight up the hill and not taking any of the tempting lefts. The road is an awesome Dual Sport/ Adventure ride but by itself is a little too short. Take some time and explore the other class VI roads in the area or you can jump off the bridge and take a swim.
I have ridden many more roads in this area and if the response is good, I will continue to post them.