Dual Sport Ride in Southern NH Redux

Dual Sport Ride in Southern NH Redux
As a long time dual sport/ dirt bike rider it really feels like my off road options have become fewer and fewer. In the northeast, more and more development and regulation has really limited our off road options, especially if we aren’t willing to ride illegally.
What I have found is that I need to be more inquisitive as I have become less willing to risk arrest. There are still many dual sport adventures to be had if you are patient and keep your eyes open. A DeLorme and a Garmin will help as well.
Like a lot of my dual sport rides, this originates on Rt 119 in Groton, MA. It is a great riding road and also has almost unlimited options, no matter what your ride. Although you can get all the way to the Vermont border, this ride will not cover the full route but will stray off the main road and into some really fun territory.
As you cross into New Hampshire, you will see a sign on your right for W. Binney Hill Road. Make sure to wave on the way by because you will be returning shortly. Continue on until you see Old Ashburnham Road on your left. Stay on Old Ashburnham Road until you get to Tuckerman Road on your right. Shortly after you turn onto Tuckerman, you will see a dirt road on your right. This is Bush Hill Road.
Bush Hill Road starts of as a very manageable dirt road for the first few miles. Eventually the road bears off to the right and dead ends. This is where the fun begins. Stay straight instead of going right. This road reminds me of the movie Apocalypse Now. The farther you go, the more uncivilized the road becomes. Trust me, it’s a fun ride.
Eventually you will return to civilization and come to a T on E. Monomonac Rd. Take a right and you will be back to 119. Take a right and continue back to W. Binney Hill Rd. Take a left and continue until you run out of pavement. Please take this paved section slowly as there are some blind turns and a few houses.
Once it turns to dirt, you will find some pretty challenging sections for a class VI road. You’ll encounter hills, rocks, mud and roots. Just the kind of stuff we love. Once you crest the first long hill you will come to a clearing where another road branches off to the right. This road deteriorates quickly into a trail. I had the wrong bike so didn’t continue but I would love for someone to let me know if they take this trail.
Back on Binney Hill Rd. (somewhere along here it has dropped the W.) and the great ride continues. Eventually you will come out on Ashby Rd. Take a left then take a left on Turnpike Rd. This gets confusing but you want to take the 2nd Wapac Rd. to the end then there is a many miles long road that will lead you back to Binney Hill Rd. Not for the squeamish. If you have your Google Map app you should have no problem.
I have been able to revisit the area and find a great new ride! Read about it at Dual Sport Ride Around Annett State Reservation.
So there you have a great way to spend a day. You will be near food and gas but at times will feel like you are miles from civilization. The best of both worlds! Read on for your afternoon dual sport ride.