Dual Sport Ride Around Annett State Reservation

Dual Sport / Adventure Ride Continued
As the saying goes in spiritual circles, “Doors close, doors open” If you have taken the time to read the excellently crafted Dual Sport Ride In Southern NH I put a little tease in about riding in the Wapac Rd area. This is actually in Annett State Reservation just down the street from Cathedral of the Pines.
If you take a left out of the Cathedral parking lot, you will find an unmarked dirt rd on your right that is clearly part of the reservation. It seems that it is actually Hubbard Pond Rd and will become an integral part of this adventure. It is an easily ridable road for the most part and has a couple of forest roads off of it that are worth exploring.
Google maps shows this road continuing for miles until it crosses West Binney Hill Road, but as you can see by the picture, it may take some effort to continue on this path. To the left of this picture, there is a small stream that looks to be pretty easy to cross and then you can continue on. I was on the wrong bike so did not attempt it. Doors close.
It looks to me like Hubbard Pond Road does continue on without having to cross the stream, but it is gated. We’ll catch up with that bad boy a little later. Meanwhile, take a break and enjoy the beautiful view of Hubbard Pond.
After your meditation break, return to the main road and take a left. Shortly you will come to Annett Rd on your right. It starts out like many dirt roads in southern NH. Houses and two way traffic in the beginning. You will be able to tell immediately when you have reached the end of the civilized section. Doors open.
As you enter the road less traveled, you will find ruts, potholes, rocks and the occasional mud hole. What else could you ask for? This four plus mile adventure road eventually becomes Hubbard Pond Road again. You will see a gate on your right where it connects. It would be illegal to ride around that gate and complete the circle to Hubbard Pond.
As you stay on Hubbard Pond Road, you will see a couple of branches that may be worth exploring. I was short on time so will make sure that I make enough time on my next visit.
Sometimes all of the stars align. The weather was absolutely perfect and I found another great adventure road. I was smiling the entire time. Let me know if it has the same effect on you.